There shall be payable to the Queen, out of the Consolidated Revenue Fund of the Commonwealth, for the salaries of the Ministers of State, an annual sum which, until the Parliament otherwise provides, shall not exceed twelve thousand pounds a year.
There shall be payable to the Queen, out of the Consolidated Revenue Fund of the Commonwealth, for the salaries of the Ministers of State, an annual sum which, until the Parliament otherwise provides, shall not exceed twelve thousand pounds a year.
Drafting Notes
66.1 This section will be deleted because:
▸ It refers to the Queen, who is to be removed; and
▸ Otherwise the section was transitional, merely setting an upper limit on the cost of Ministerial salaries until Parliament determined otherwise.
66.2 The section need not be replaced. Parliament may continue to make laws for the remuneration and allowances of Ministers under s.51(xxxix) and s.62A(iii).
Current Constitution
There shall be payable to the Queen, out of the Consolidated Revenue Fund of the Commonwealth, for the salaries of the Ministers of State, an annual sum which, until the Parliament otherwise provides, shall not exceed twelve thousand pounds a year.
There shall be payable to the Queen, out of the Consolidated Revenue Fund of the Commonwealth, for the salaries of the Ministers of State, an annual sum which, until the Parliament otherwise provides, shall not exceed twelve thousand pounds a year.
Drafting Notes
66.1 This section will be deleted because:
▸ It refers to the Queen, who is to be removed; and
▸ Otherwise the section was transitional, merely setting an upper limit on the cost of Ministerial salaries until Parliament determined otherwise.
66.2 The section need not be replaced. Parliament may continue to make laws for the remuneration and allowances of Ministers under s.51(xxxix) and s.62A(iii).